List of Community Emails

Please add all the emails system should be sending and its triggers.

  Title Body Trigger  User OptIn/Out Who
1 Welcome Email   User joines the community/Registers   Any user
2 Daily Summary   Admin sets the time in CMS YES Non Admin
3 Daily Summary   Admin sets the time in CMS   Admin
4 Someone sent you message   Chat message    
5 Reset Password   Request resset password   Any User
6 Approve new member   Request to join community   Admin
7 You received new application   Form Submition    
8 You have new comment   New comment   Author of the content
9 Reply   Reply to comment   X replied to your comment
10 New comment in a discussion you joined   New comment in a thread   to all commentators in a thread
11 Someone Answered your Question   Write an answer    
12 Someone added an answer to a question you answered as well   New answer to a question   all members that previously answered question
13 Reported content   User reported a piece of content   Admin
14 Open/Private Community   Set community to open/provate in CMS   Admins
15 Assigned Admin Role   Make someone an admin   Admins
16 New in community   Didnt login for 3 weeks        Any User
17 Congradulations on 500 views   500 viewes on the author content   Any User
18 Feature Member   Feature Member   Featured Member
19 Account deleted   Delete account by member   Member and Admin



Slicne objave


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