New publish on Beyond42 Community

We've done some work here :) Please go through it and test it.

New publish on Beyond42 Community

1. Simple form for creating questions ("Ideas" on this community, not "Questions")

2. Ask question anonymously (toggle for showing the author)

3. Fixed privacy, visitors can't see content in private community

4. Chat bugs have been fixed (click only once to select a user when starting a chat; first message can be sent using "enter" keyboard)

5. Send custom message next to link (via Viber, WhatsApp and email)

6. Fixed issue with hardcoded collections (no need to create several collections for new instance to work)


Will probably add more to this list after detailed checkup.

1 Comment

Jao bravo za ovu sesticu. Odlicno si se setila.
22.08.2022. 01:32

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